And Jesus said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

- Luke 10:2

PRAY 365


365 Prayer Partners praying each day

for more harvest laborers

One of our goals for this year is to enlist at least 365 Prayer Partners - one for every day of the year - who commit to praying with us for God’s work through this new mission society.

Become a Prayer Partner!

A Prayer Partner is a person who agrees to pray regularly for God’s work in and throughout the churches, missionaries, and other workers in connected with Coastal Mission Society.

WHAT YOU COMMIT to as a Prayer Partner - 

1 - REMEMBER US in your prayers. We will send out a short update each month via email so you can have an idea of who and what to pray for.

2 - SELECT A DAY of the year to focus intentional time toward remembering us in your prayers. You will also choose a day of the year that will be your annual “Pray for Coastal Mission Society Day.” We simply request that you take at least 15 min to pray during morning, afternoon, and evening on your day. When we meet our goal of 365 Prayer Partners, then we will have someone praying every day of the year!

3 - PRAY EACH DAY AT 10:02 - One thing you might want to join us in is praying every day at 9:38. This will help us remember the scripture in Matthew 9:38 where Jesus tells his disciples to pray earnestly for more harvest workers. We’ll all be pausing daily at this time to pray this prayer.

WHAT YOU RECEIVE as a Prayer Partner - 

1 - Joy of knowing you’re participating with other Christians in seeing God’s Kingdom expand.

2 - Monthly Update - A brief email where we will highlight some of the work and workers who are advancing the message of the Gospel on the front lines. In this update, we will give a few clear ways to pray each month. These prayer requests will include anything from praying for more harvest workers in an area, to requests from our board or action team, or specific needs that may arise from the mission field via our missionaries, ministries, and churches.

3 - Annual Prayer Day E-Guide - The day before your scheduled annual prayer day, you will receive a prayer e-guide. This guide will help you to know how and what to pray for throughout your day.